Mailing Address / Mail drop
Business Palma is located in Palma De Mallorca close to the Cathedral and main street Jaume III.
Business Palma provides a Spanish Mailing Address, which can be used as a business address for your business cards and letterheads, or as a private address for personal mail.
The Mailing Address will be like:
Your chosen name
Calle xxxx #,
07001 Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Signed For accept
This plan includes Signed For letters/packages
Monthly Mail Forwarding
Don’t have time to self-collect your mails? Business Palma will act as your virtual address and will receive all your mail, including small parcels and mail sent by courier. Business Palma provides Mail Forwarding every last Friday of the Month*.
Business Palma assumes the cost of all postal charges under 3€. Any time a charge is over 3€, including any requests to forward by express mail, we will apply these charges, at cost, to client´s bill.
If you do not require original mails and would like to receive all mail scanned, we can offer such service too.
*If Friday is a public holiday or non-working day, mail forwarding will be postponed to the following working day.
We forward ( by email) up to 10 pages/month at no additional charge. Beyond that, we charge 0,50€ per page( if have many, please contact us for a special rate).
Spanish address and mail forwarding, virtual address in Spain, Mallorca